A sudden and/or powerful urge to do a wee can make life very challenging. This problem can develop over time or can present quite quickly. It can lead to constantly looking for toilets and may cause bladder leakage when toilet access is limited. Some people with bladder urgency become anxious about leaving home or attending meetings, and it can limit social interactions.
Sarah will take the time to understand your bladder function, urgency and related triggers. This will involve: a pelvic floor assessment will help to understand factors that might be contributing to your issues; and a bladder diary to provide a clear picture of your fluid input and bladder function and help direct your management.
There are several treatment options Sarah can help you engage with so you can regain control of your bladder.
Normal frequency of bladder emptying is between 5-7 times a day. Nighttime emptying can be problematic if you are frequently being woken to empty your bladder. Frequency can often also occur with increased bladder urgency.
Sarah will assess your bladder function thoroughly to help guide individual strategies to reduce urgency and frequency. This will enable you to return to all the important and enjoyable events you would like to participate in and live life comfortably. If nighttime frequency is an issue, Sarah will be able to help give you recommendations to reduce this enabling an improved quality of sleep.
The sensation that you have never quite emptied your bladder or that your urine flow/stream isn’t as strong as it was previously, can be irritating. It is important that your bladder empties completely to prevent urinary tract infections. Your bladder is a muscle and when it is functioning well you should have a strong flow of urine that continues until your bladder is empty. If you are not emptying well or completely it can cause more frequent trips to the toilet and /or leakage post wee.
Sarah will conduct a thorough assessment of your bladder function to determine the factors contributing to difficulties emptying your bladder. She will then help you to make the changes needed to optimise your bladder emptying and bladder function.
Bladder pain can be very distressing. This pain can occur in and around your bladder, genitals and pelvis. Bladder pain commonly has many contributing factors which may include bladder or bowel problems or pain, anxiety due to the pain,
Bladder Pain Syndrome refers to pain that is aggravated by your bladder filling or may occur during or after emptying your bladder and may be associated with urinary urgency and frequency. This can cause anxiety related to bladder emptying which can have a negative impact on the bladder’s ability to empty well. Optimising your bladder function, while also addressing the factors that contribute to the pelvic pain, can help to improve bladder functioning while also reducing your pain.
Sarah works with people with complex pelvic pain presentations with positive outcomes. A holistic perspective is taken to address all factors in your life that might be contributing to your symptoms. Regaining control of your pain and your bladder function can help reduce symptoms, distress and anxiety associated with these problems.